In the beginning God created … (Genesis 1:1)

Meyer, Lennox, Behe - Evidence for a creator

The more science opens up the universe and all that’s in it, the more Genesis 1:1 is confirmed. Science, currently, except for a few of the brave and brilliant, is a slave to evolution and other God-denying theories. Yet, at no time in history, at the very time when scientists are driving more and more people away from the truth, is the truth more evident, more visible, more convincingly seen in science. This sections goal is to give you a clear, real path to belief in Genesis 1:1.

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ICR Article - How Darwin Poisons Science - Click Image for Article

Dr. James Tour Click image for Msg.

Institute for Creation Research - The Institute for Creation Research is unique among scientific research organizations. Our research is conducted within a biblical worldview, since ICR is committed to the absolute authority of the inerrant Word of God. The real facts of science will always agree with biblical revelation because the God who made the world of God inspired the Word of God. All origins research must begin with a premise. ICR holds that the biblical record of primeval history in Genesis 1–11 is factual, historical, and clearly understandable and, therefore, that all things were created and made in six literal days. Life exists because it was created on Earth by a living Creator. Further, the biblical Flood was global and cataclysmic, and its after-effects therefore explain most of the stratigraphic and fossil evidence found in the earth’s crust. It is within this framework that ICR research is conducted.

Science and the Origin of Life - James Mitchell Tour is an American chemist and nanotechnologist. He is a Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Nanoengineering, and Professor of Computer Science at Rice University in Houston, Texas. He was named among "The 50 most Influential Scientists in the World Today" by in 2014. Tour was named "Scientist of the Year" by R&D Magazine in 2013. Tour won the ACS Nano Lectureship Award from the American Chemical Society in 2012.

Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines

The Universe Really Is Fine-Tuned, And Our Existence Is The Proof - Ethan Siegel - A Ph.D. astrophysicist, author, and science communicator, who professes physics and astronomy at various colleges. I have won numerous awards for science writing since 2008 for my blog, Starts With A Bang, including the award for best science blog by the Institute of Physics. Click image for the article.

The Engineering Prowess of the Blood Clotting Cascade - Article - The vertebrate blood coagulation system is a delicately regulated marvel that helps maintain the integrity of the circulatory system. Over 20 years ago, Michael Behe argued it was an example of an irreducibly complex system. Does Behe’s claim still hold up today?

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Creationists study the eruption of Mt. St. Helens because its a laboratory that indisputably reveals much in the way of how geology works especially when related to the time in takes for things to happen. These are some articles that analyze the synthesize that information. The conclusion is that what main stream science say takes eons to produce, Mt. St. Helens produced in hours, sometimes minutes.

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Chuck Missler - Click image for Msg

Dr. Stephen Meyer - Click Image for Msg

Episode 2

Episode 3

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The Simple Cell - Charles W. Missler was an American author, evangelical Christian, Bible teacher, engineer, and businessman. Missler joined Western Digital as chairman and chief executive in June 1977 and became the largest shareholder of Western Digital. [4] In 1983, Missler became the chairman and chief executive of Helionetics, Inc., another technology company. [4] He left Helionetics in 1984 "to pursue other opportunities in the high-technology field."

Return of the God Hypothesis - Dr. Stephen Meyer is a Philosopher of science, intelligent design pioneer and bestselling author Stephen Meyer summarizes the thesis of his new book, Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries that Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe. You can find out more at​.

The Fine Tuning of the Universe - Dr. Stephen Meyer - Dr. Fred Hoyle, an atheist who rejected the big bang theory of the universe’s origin because it implied a creation event, after realizing that that only a “super intellect” could have fine turned all the parameters necessary for life to exist in our universe, became a Christian. Dr. Meyer discusses that fine tuning.

J. Warner explains the tolerances we’re talking about when we talk about the universe being fine tuned. From the YouTube Channel of J. Warner and Jimmy Wallace. J. Warner is a Dateline featured Cold-Case Detective, Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, Adj. Professor of Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and Author of Cold-Case Christianity, God’s Crime Scene, and Forensic Faith, and creator of the Case Makers Academy for kids.

James Tour and Stephen Meyer Bring Clarity to the Origin of Life Debate - In Episode 1, Meyer and Tour critique the work of origin of life researcher Steve Benner. Along the way, they discuss the basic definition of life, the RNA world hypothesis, the problem with hands-on chemistry, and why the challenges facing origin of life research increase every year as our understanding of the cell grows. “What is being simulated is the need for intelligent agency to move simple chemicals in a life-friendly direction,” says Meyer, and researchers “seem utterly blind to the role of their own hand, their own mind, in achieving the results that they get, such as they are.”

Proof of the Genesis Flood - Book from ICR - You may wonder how this book differs from other valuable creation-based geology books. In its pages, readers will find a complete synopsis of the sediments deposited across three continents, derived from groundbreaking examination of global oil well data. It details how the Flood progressed week by week and ties the events of that year directly to the rocks we see in place. And it even shows how the Ice Age was a necessary consequence of the end of the Flood. Dr. Jeff Tomkins said, “Never before have the global flood strata been so thoroughly mapped out using extensive geological data. This book shows how the global flood occurred and how the sedimentary rock layers were laid down successively across the globe over the one-year flood period. And most importantly for the creation science community, it provides the ultimate proof that the record of flood sediments and fossils extends all the way through the upper Cenozoic layers of the rock record—known also as the Tejas Megasequence.”

Biblical Science Institute - Article - Proof of the Flood - *Dr. Andrew Snelling is the Director of Research at Answers in Genesis and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Answers Research Journal. He holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia.

If the Genesis Flood really occurred, what evidence would we look for? We read in Genesis 7 and 8 that “the fountains of the great deep” were broken up and poured out water from inside the earth for 150 days (5 months). Plus, it rained torrentially and globally for 40 days and nights. (“The floodgates [or windows] of heaven were opened.”) No wonder all the high hills and the mountains were covered, meaning the earth was covered by a global ocean. (“The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished,” 2 Peter 3:6.) All air-breathing life on the land was swept away and perished.

Repopulation after the flood - JAMES J. S. JOHNSON, J.D., TH.D. - Has there been enough time for the world to repopulate after the flood? Well, there have been less than 200 successive generations since Noah and his family left the Ark. Today, Earth has more than 8,000,000,000 people derived from only eight. That means each passenger on the Ark is now represented by a billion people! Does that make mathematical and historical sense?2 The Scripture and the math say, “Yes!”

Remembering Mount St. Helens - Article
Staff Writer - ... 18, 2019, marks the 39th anniversary of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. Why are we talking about a historic volcano on a podcast about biblical creation? We have a panel of ICR experts to help us connect the...

Rapid Erosion at Mount St. Helens - Article
Steven A. Austin, Ph.D. - ... Reserved. Abstract How rapidly can a canyon form? Mount St. Helens has provided some clues. Numerous features there indicate the required erosion was rapid, contrary to conventional geomorphic theory. Keywords Mount St. Helens...

Mount St. Helens: An Outdoor Laboratory - Radio Program
Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - ... Dr. Steve Austin called the Mount St. Helens eruption “the geologic event of the twentieth century.” Mount St. Helens was not the largest volcano episode of the last century, but it became the most informative. What can...

Excess Argon within Mineral Concentrates from the New Dacite Lava Dome at Mount St. Helens Volcano - Article
Steven A. Austin, Ph.D. - was applied to the 1986 dacite flow from the new lava dome at Mount St. Helens, Washington. Porphyritic dacite which solidified on the surface of the lava dome in 1986 gives a whole rock K-Ar “age” of 0.35±0.05 million years...

Mount St. Helens Recovery - Radio Program
Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - ... Mount St. Helens events give us a glimpse into Earth’s geologic power, the origin of rocks, and the formation of geologic features. How does the ecological recovery of Mount St. Helens affirm the work of creation scientists? And...

Hair, Feathers, and Scales - Radio Program
Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - ... history?   Other episodes in this series: Mount St. Helens: An Outdoor Laboratory Mount St. Helens Recovery The Unique Earth and Unique Universe The Moon     ...

The Unique Earth and Unique Universe - Radio Program
Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - ... purpose?   Other episodes in this series: Mount St. Helens: An Outdoor Laboratory Mount St. Helens Recovery The Moon Hair, Feathers, and Scales     ...

The Moon - Radio Program
Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - ... truth?   Other episodes in this series: Mount St. Helens: An Outdoor Laboratory Mount St. Helens Recovery The Unique Earth and Unique Universe Hair, Feathers, and Scales     ...

Mount St. Helens and Catastrophism - Article
Steven A. Austin, Ph.D. - ... USA. All Rights Reserved. Abstract The explosion of Mount St. Helens in Washington State on May 18, 1980 was initiated by an earthquake and rockslide involving one half cubic mile of rock. As the summit and north slope slid off the...

ATP Synthase - Cell’s Powerhouse

The Hoover Institute:

Mathematical Challenges to Darwinism