What we’re doing …

When we surveyed the available media for Christians, or that Christians would find enjoyable and/or entertaining, we found that it was mostly created for women. As it should be. Women buy of Christian materials. Plus, when we think of Christian media, we think of the gentle, the beautiful, the family oriented, the Hallmark formula.

That’s not men. Our edges are rougher. Our ways more direct. We’re called to be leaders, at times warriors, as well as lovers, protectors, fathers, workers, problem solvers, killers of spiders, snakes, and earwigs. We like action, car chases, football, ice hockey, and if you look cross-eyed at our daughter we like to throw bricks.

We’re different.

We wanted to put a site together, a ministry together, that helped Christian men fulfill their obligation to God - to have the relationship with God that David had, to have the commitment to God that Moses had, to have the mind of God that Isaiah had, and have all of it through their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And since all work and no play makes more guys grumpy, we wanted to point men to entertainment that is fun, at times wild and action packed, but also edifies and never offends.

We hope we hit the mark, but we don’t know unless we hear from you. We need your help. Please let us know what you like, dislike, like to see in the future, hope never to see in any future. We’ll do our best to always be a place you can go to to be challenged, enlightened, laugh, and even cry. We want to be what Christian men need.