
There is no better proof of God’s working in the lives of His people than the testimonies of those He’s saved.

Email me your testimony via the contact page. I may be able to use it here to inspire others in Christ.

Samira, Netherlands
A Muslim who Jesus Called

Click image to hear it in Samira’s own words

Samira, originally from Morocco, was raised in a Muslim family in the Netherlands. One night, as she lay in bed, an intense, fiery heat washed over her body. Frightened, she believed she was on the brink of death, and in that moment of desperation, she spoke to God for the very first time in her life. In her panic, she confessed all her sins and pledged to change her sinful ways if God spared her life. Suddenly, a bright white light filled her entire bedroom. That night, she got baptized by the Holy Spirit. Samira was unfamiliar with Christianity and had no idea what had happened. Over the course of a year, Samira searched earnestly for the truth and was eventually visited by Jesus in her living room. He revealed Himself to her, and after these extraordinary encounters, she wholeheartedly embraced Jesus as her Lord and Savior, solidifying her commitment through baptism. 

Send me your testimony - I’d love to include it - first name only will appear

William “Bill” Kritlow -
Writer for the Lord

Cold and studious with wonky glasses - makes you want to slap him silly, doesn’t it

Born in Gary, Indiana, grew up on the Lake Michigan dunes near Marquette Park in Miller, Indiana, I believe I came to know the Lord at age 9 when I was at a Baptist Camp one summer, prayed there by my Dad’s Mom, my Grandmother. I can remember witnessing to my cousin right after I was baptized and being slapped for it. I fell away, though, right afterwards, and although Jesus truly meant something to me, I led an unbelieving life. My dad was an alcoholic and my mom and enabler, and I learned to be out for myself, but, as I look back, I can see God keeping me safe. Then when I was 36, divorced, with two children I shamefully betrayed by leaving, I met a Christian woman, fell in love, and planned to marry her. All she wanted was for me to go to church with her. I’d been going to churches all my life, so no biggie. I even joined a men’s Bible study at the church. One Saturday morning, early, I grabbed my Bible in preparation for the study and while holding it in my hand, I looked hard at the front cover. “I don’t know what’s in here,” I said to myself, “but, I know it’s true.” Before that moment I couldn’t read the Bible. A verse here and there, but I had no idea what I was reading; what it meant. And I certainly had no desire to read any more than that. But from then on I couldn’t get enough of it. To this day I read 4 to 10 chapters every morning and hate to put it down. I’m back in the fold - so very imperfectly, but back.